Xbox gamer: One Week In review

Alright, so I have some gripes about my Xbox. The transition hasn’t been hard, as I had lots of console experience before this one, but I miss a few things.

#1 BEING ABLE TO SAVE!!! And no, not so-called “checkpoint saves”, I’m talking about real, spontaneous saves. And Quicksave/load. That would save me soooo much time in games like Mass Effect and Halo 3.

#2 My mouse and keyboard. BUT not for the reasons you might expect. I picked my mouse out special, because of the multiple thumb buttons, middling weight, and low drag. My keyboard was similarly hand-picked. So to move to a playing field where everyone is using the exact same controller, on the exact same system…All of the individuality is gone. I see why Gamertags, skins, avatars and the like are necessary. They are the only variation in a sea of sameness.

But don’t get me wrong, there are things I love about it. I love that it looks spectacular. I love that I don’t have to read the system requirements box before I buy. And I LOOOOVE renting games. It’s great, because it’s plausible on this platform. So, as the newest convert to the Temple of Xbox, I can happily say that I am very pleased with my move.

~ by wesjanson on April 1, 2010.

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